Professional E-mail Use and Management Policy

This Policy aims to guide the users of AP | BRAZIL - Language Services's Professional E-Mail, regarding the rules for the use of the e-mail service in order to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, all in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regime (EU Regulation 2016/679 of 27.04.2016).

The AP | BRAZIL professional e-mail account made available to its users should only be used for company work interests. Users are strictly prohibited from placing any personal information in the email associated with such professional account.

The AP | BRAZIL professional e-mail account delivered to the user is personal and non-transferable, except for the situation contained in article 4 of this Policy, and its holder is the sole and total person responsible for its use and its consequences.

In the case of absence or termination of the user's functions at AP | BRAZIL, it reserves the right to transfer or re-address its professional e-mail account and its e-mail to another AP | BRAZIL professional e-mail account therefore the user hereby authorises their access in those circumstances.

All remaining communication carried out within the scope of the functions assigned by AP | BRAZIL shall be carried out exclusively through the software and internal communication channels in force, at the date of said communications. In this case, users are also prohibited from entering any personal information, except when this is required for the proper execution of the activity in question, or this results from the legal requirements for this purpose.

This Policy applies to all e-mail addresses that contain the expression or any other of the universe of the company, as well as Gmail e-mails created for their use.